Simple Tips on Utility Bill Savings

With the demand of electricity increasing each year, electricity prices are also going up. Many homeowners have to deal with high utility bills every end of the month. According to energy based research, half of all energy that is used at homes goes towards heating and cooling. Water heating and lighting are also significant contributors to increasing utility bills. To make sure that you are saving on your energy use, there are some tips you should consider. Understanding them assures you of making significant utility bill savings.


In most homes, heating and cooling alone uses a large percentage of all energy used. By simply keeping warm air in and cold air out in your home, you can significantly reduce costs associated with heating and cooling. The best way to do this is by learning what you should do. Proper insulation of your home is the most critical step you should undertake. The areas you should consider when insulating your home include walls, windows, floors and the loft. Energy efficient double glazing and draught proofing for your windows and doors should be considered. Energy efficient lighting systems and bulbs should also be installed. 


Make sure that you reduce electric water heating. Most people are used to heating water when cleaning anything at home, washing laundry, cooking, bathing, taking a shower among other things. Reducing the amount of hot water you use can have a big impact on your utility bill savings. Consider buying modern washing machines that can use cold water. Install a more efficient shower head and cut the time you spend in the shower by a few minutes. Consider installing a water heater timer so you don't waste electricity when heating water.


Buy and install more energy efficient appliances in your home in the site at You cannot enjoy utility bill savings if you have been using old appliances that use large amounts of energy. Go for appliances with the latest energy saving standards and approvals. Homeowners should also adjust and reduce their appliance usage. Most people tend to waste a lot of electricity when they leave appliances on yet they are not using them. Some of the common appliances that are left on power most of the times are televisions, stereos, DVD players, charging systems among other electrical appliances. Use a multi-plug board to easily switch them off when not in use.


Alternative energy sources are also a good option for utility bill savings. The most popular and efficient option is solar energy. It may see expensive to install at first, but the long term energy saving benefits are simply worth it. You should also monitor and evaluate how you are using your energy on a frequent basis. To make sure that you are being charged fair rates, compare energy tariffs of other electricity companies with what your PECO energy service provider is currently charging you.